Abused Phone Privileges

Are phones used too much during the school day?

Lexi Brunsma, Staff Writer

At GCAA, high school students, unlike middle school students, have the privilege of using their phones while at school. However, is the privilege being abused? Throughout the day, students are constantly told to put their electronic devices away, whether that may be a tablet, a phone, or an iPod. The classroom structure is often disrupted due to the amount of pauses in between lessons to make sure everyone is listening or paying attention. I personally love to have my phone on me because whenever I need to, at the appropriate time, I can pull it out and listen to music. That is something that helps me get through the day and always has been, but if I do say so myself, I’m quite responsible when it comes to when I have it out.

Although another person being on their device has nothing to do directly with you, it is a frustrating thing when you know people should be paying attention. I mean, let’s think about it; the teachers here allow you to have your phones on you, (which, by the way, is a privilege that some kids in high school don’t get), even if they have proven that they respect the classroom and have great work ethic. Usually, once it’s time for independent work, you can have it out and listen to music. I feel that if education was actually valued we probably wouldn’t have this many issues. For whatever reason it seems as though the respect for educators and others in the classroom lacks.

As a developing school, academics is something very important to keep up with and GCAA doesn’t have the academic incline that it should. Though we are an arts school, academics matter just as much as in any other school. When I attended Pattonville, similar issues did occur. Once the teacher reprimanded the habit of having a phone out it class, it usually wasn’t an issue again. There really isn’t a built-in respect for the learning environment, or at least that’s the assumption I’ve made based off the things I see everyday. Therefore, I feel that there should be restrictions on phones because, while there are a few in the bunch who are responsible, the majority is not and often ruins it for the rest of us. I think the difference between high performing schools and us is the simple fact that rules are enforced and consequences are felt by the students who don’t follow them.

If teachers and administrators want to see a change in their classroom, there can’t be so many chances given to kids who break the rules. The more chances given, the less seriously the child takes the teacher, which makes them feel comfortable to do whatever they feel like doing.