How to Study the Night Before

Ivy Beckenholdt, Assignment Editor

While it is best to study with plenty of time before the exam, it is inevitable that many of us will procrastinate and end up studying the night before. Here is how to effectively study with little time.

  1. Refer to your study guide, and from that information create flashcards. Quizlet is a great way to do this because it lets you learn and then take tests reviewing the information from flashcards.
  1. Make sure you will be energized enough to study. You can take a short 30 minute nap or workout in the middle of the day, this will help you stay energized throughout the day. Coffee can also help you stay awake, but only in a small amount. You should only have about one cup of coffee, if you have too much you can crash. Chocolate can help you stay awake as well.
  1. Give yourself rewards. After you study for a consistent amount of time, take a short 5 minute break or eat a snack. Make sure that your break does not involve your phone or TV, because then a 5 minute break will turn into the end of your study.
  1. Go over the questions or big ideas provided in your book, and make sure you have a good understanding of them before you decide you are finished studying.
  1. Make sure to get enough sleep. While it is good to study, if you do not sleep, you will not be able to retain the information as well. Make sure to get a minimum of 3 hours.