2016 graduate sworn into the Army Reserve

submitted by Erica Snelson

The Deal family and staff from GCAA witnessing Zykita being sworn in.

Myasia Kisart, Social Media/Entertainment Editor

The morning of April 20th, Zykita Deal 12th, was sworn into, and began her contract with the Army National Guard.

“It was a great choice for me because I got the job I wanted, which is military police and it’s going to help me with my career with becoming an FBI agent,“ said Deal.

She is to go into basic training and begin her contract with the National Guard. She leaves in September and will graduate in April, and then will attend TSU the following fall. Counselor Erica Snelson says,

“It was an honor to help Zykita Deal navigate the process of choosing if the military option was right for her or not. We definitely spent a lot of time thinking and identifying the pros and cons of joining or not joining.  She met with recruiters from different branches and chose the best one that met her needs. Being there to watch be sworn in, along with our Head of School, Dr. Frederickson, who is an active military serviceman, and her family, was very humbling. Zykita is very excited about heading off to boot-camp

and Military Police school after high school graduation and I can’t wait to be a witness for both! She is an incredible young lady and I am very proud that she has chosen to represent and defend our state and country.”

Zykita’s grandmother, and Dr. Matt Frederickson were there to witness it all.