5 Questions with Julia Aastrom

Julia Aastrom
May 19, 2015
Q: What is the hardest part of high school?
A: Finals, keeping up with a social life and school at the same time, making time for homework and studying at the same time, making new friends and struggling to catch up when you fall behind with work.
Q: What is the most annoying part of high school?
A:Trying to keep a balance of all subjects is stressful and people that stop in the middle of the stairways.
Q: When is prom?
A: No idea. We have prom? All I know is that Juniors and Seniors go to prom and it’s an excuse to get a really pretty dress and feel like a princess for a night.
Q: What extra opportunities or special privileges do you get in high school?
A: After school groups, walk to class with your friends, you get some say in classes you take, choice in pathways, cell phone privileges. A lot more freedom than middle school. You get to take care of yourself in a way, you’re responsible for yourself and your actions.
Q: How’s it like driving to school?
A: I haven’t driven to school yet, but I plan to after a few more lessons. You have to really watch out for other drivers, especially while parking in front of school. Picking up and dropping off can get kind of crazy. Independent, but people in the midwest are horrible drivers, so look out! From my house to school it’s a long drive with plenty of scenery.