5 Questions with Patra Patton

Sophie Iffrig

Sophomore, Patra Patton, eats carrot as she explains her life as a vegan. Patton gives pros, cons, and overall experience so far.

Sophie Iffrig, Staff Writer

Q: When did you first decide that you wanted to become vegan and what inspired you?

A: “I first became vegan two and a half months ago, a couple weeks before Halloween, and I was first inspired a while back. I thought about it after I heard a vegan peer being interviewed about this same topic. This made me consider it but I thought, “I could never do that.” However, after watching a documentary about the animal industry, I decided that an animal shouldn’t have to lose its life so that I can eat a snack.”

Q: Was it a hard transition to change your eating habits?

A: “I was already a pescatarian, so I only ate seafood and no other meat. Because of that, it wasn’t too hard at all. I think the hardest thing was having to find new meals for me to make, but I’m a lot better at cooking different meals now.”

Q: Do you think it would be a hard transition for someone who doesn’t already have those pescatarian/vegetarian eating habits?

A: “A lot of people think that it’s really hard, but it’s actually not. Most of the things people eat that i not meat is already vegan. Of course I get those occasional cravings for food containing meat, but I always try to keep in mind the goals that I have set and all of the reasons why I went vegan in the first place.”

Q: What do you like most about being vegan? What don’t you like?

A: “What I really like is how healthy my diet is. I used to get sick all the time, but I haven’t gotten sick since I went vegan. However, it upsets me that a lot of places that I go to eat don’t have vegan food options. I guess it’s because they’re closed-minded, but I really hope that changes soon.”

Q: How has being a vegan most impacted you and your life?

A: “It’s definitely made me feel better about myself because I know that I’m helping save the environment as well as staying healthy. Not only that, but I’m more aware of how horrible the meat industry is and how many people are oblivious to the animal abuse that the industry enforces.”