5 Questions with Safa Caplinger

A drawing created by Safa Caplinger, 9th grade.

Q. What makes you want to become an artist?

A. “I don’t even know if I want to be an artist, really. I’m pretty good at it by now. I love art history and going to art galleries and museums, but I don’t know if I want to be an artist. It’s not very good pay and I would be shamed and not taken seriously by many people. Freelance art and getting paid would be what I want to do but that is risky and I don’t know how much I would like that. I feel as if my true calling in life is music.”


Q. What do you feel is the biggest struggle of being an artist?

A. “Not being taken seriously. I feel like that part of the school gets the short end of the stick most times, and when the school doesn’t audition people to come in, like they auditioned me, they just play around all the time and it makes me feel like they don’t take our department seriously.”


Q. Almost every artist has their own style. What could be considered your style? In other words, what sets you apart from other artists?

A. “I am usually on the more realistic side of things. But, my lines are very sketchy whether that’s painting or drawing. Very thin, fine lines to add texture.”


Q. If you could meet and famous artist, who would it be? Why?

A. “I would say Edgar Degas. I like how his pieces are very feminist and show women in action like a picture was actually taken. All very delicate. I also love ballet. I used to take ballet at COCA for about six years so I was naturally drawn to his art. But, the colors he uses just blend together from warm to cold.”


Q. Knowing that your true passion is music, do you try to incorporate music into your pieces?

A.“No, I haven’t really made that known. I try to put as much movement and texture in my paintings and drawings as I can because music moves and it has a texture when you listen to it.”