Administration sends out schedule for the first days of school
August 9, 2019
The first two days of the new school year, August 13 and 14, are considered “Preview Days” for students. These days will go differently than previous years. Administrators emailed out a schedule to staff in July that details each day. The schedule is copied below.
Preview Day 1: Tuesday August 13, 2019
Welcome Back/Getting to Know Students & Staff
Advisory: 8:00-9:00 (Advisory is now “0” block not “1”)
A1: 9:05-9:35
B2: 9:40-10:10
A3: 10:15-10:45
B4: 10:50-11:20
A5: 11:25-12:25 (2 lunches will happen during this time)
1st lunch 11:25-11:50
2nd lunch 12:00-12:25
B6: 12:30-1:30 (2 lunches will happen during this time)
3rd lunch 12:30-12:55
4th lunch 1:05-1:30
A7: 1:35-2:05
B8: 2:10-2:40
Upper Academy & Lower Academy outside activities will begin after 2:40pm (Upper Academy in courtyard Lower Academy bunny park)
Preview Day 2: Wednesday August 14, 2019
Classroom/Schoolwide Expectations
*Note: Students will follow the schedule below when they are NOT in an Expectations Assembly. Teachers are expected to attend the assemblies as well and will be told exactly which one to report to.
Advisory: 8:00-9:00 (Advisory is now “0” block not “1”)
MS Student Expectations Assembly: 9:00 – 9:45*
HS Student Expectations Assembly 9th/10th: 10:00 – 10:45*
HS Student Expectations Assembly 11th/12th: 11:00-11:45*
A1: 9:05-9:35
B2: 9:40-10:10
A3: 10:15-10:45
B4: 10:50-11:20
A5: 11:25-12:25 (2 lunches will happen during this time)
1st lunch 11:25-11:50
2nd lunch 12:00-12:25
B6: 12:30-1:30 (2 lunches will happen during this time)
3rd lunch 12:30-12:55
4th lunch 1:05-1:30
A7: 1:35-2:05
B8: 2:10-dismissal (MS 3:05/HS 3:15)