Ashley Magee, math teacher
Q: Why did you choose to come to GCAA?
A: I’m into arts, and it’s [GCAA is] not too far from where I live, and I just moved here about two months ago, and I started applying for jobs, and this school needed a math teacher.
Q: Where were you before this?
A: New York City.
Q: What were you doing in New York before this?
A: I was teaching!
Q: Where did you go to college?
A: Hunter College, and City College, of New York.
Q: What is your major in?
A: At Hunter College, I majored in creative writing, English language art, and in City College it was Mathematical Education.
Q: What are your long-term goals with your students?
A: Well, one of my main goals is to have all of my students enjoy learning math – a lot of my students come in saying they hate math…it’s one of the most difficult subjects, and I want them to leave enjoying learning about it.
Q: What are you looking forward to at GCAA?
A: Definitely the arts. I’m curious to see how the students’ creativity is implemented in their work, [I’m] interested in seeing how they think – since students are creative they might think a little bit differently than other students. I’m looking forward to seeing my students succeed – that’s what I really want.
Q: When was the last time you felt real passion in your work?
A: Every day, I get to teach these kids. They bring joy to me and getting to see them grow and learn with math brings me passion.
Q: Do you do more listening or talking?
A: Well, since I’m a teacher I do more talking to, and with, the students – but I do give them a chance to talk and even though it is math [I] let them speak and answer questions.
Q: If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about any one thing about yourself, life, the future, or anything else, what would you want to know, and why?
A: How this teaching thing is going to work out for me and helping my students-if it is a thing that I will continue to love for a long time or will my view and opinion change.