Mario Harris

Ashley Olson, head of school

Q: How long have you been in your field and what inspired you to do what you do?

A: Hello, my name is Ashley Olson, head of the school GCAA I have been in education for 12 years going on 13 years, I was actually an theater artist living in New York and found more satisfaction in and comfort personally when I was in the class during my day job.

Q: What is something that you want people to know about you?

A: I have a really Intense purpose on why I came to this school…including the arts in young people’s life and how this is true development…and not only the enjoyment you get from it but the mental growth that comes along with it, this is literally important to general development and I’m glad to be apart of it and help grow this school in what it needs.

Q: What motivated you to work with the arts?

A: When I was younger I had a struggle with my academic success so dance,musical theatre and music help me get through a lot of that. The arts helped me feel as if I can offer something, I was able to sit through Algebra II because I knew I was going to rehearsal the same day. So since it work with me I’m going to make sure it work with the school.

Q: What is your long term goal here at GCAA?

A: My goal is to know the students and how the school works,which is why I’m glad that I’m doing this interview because I get to know you a little bit. Here I want this to be an long term job so I can grow things outside of the school so I can make sure that the other arts are getting the same treatment as sports in the other school, so really it’s making a change.

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