Jie Cruesoe

Building Sub, Joleen Reh

Q. What made you want to work in education?
”I think I had a really rough time in school and I didn’t want that for future students, so that’s why I became a teacher.”

Q. How many years have you been working in education?
“Almost two full years.”

Q. What made you decide to work at GCAA?
“I’m kinda in between jobs, I’m actually an art teacher certified K-12, but I’m moving back to Milwaukee in June.”

Q. What’s one of your favorite hobbies?
“Other than art I actually really love riding horses, I grew up on a farm, so I ride and compete with horses. My mom is a professional horse trainer.”

Q. What are you most looking forward to this year?
“I’m really excited to probably work in the art and music classrooms, those are two things I really love, so hopefully I get a chance to be in there and work with those kids.”

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