Five Questions With Rachel Yarbrough


  1. If you could be any kind of animal, what would it be? Why?

– “Well, I’ve never really thought of that, but I guess a panda. Firstly, they’re really cute, but they still mean business, like you don’t want to make a panda mad. Secondly, they’re pretty chill, they do what they need to do throughout the day, the way they need to do it. Thirdly, they’re a mixture of colors. So I personalize more with their personality.”


  1. What is one goal you have?

– “I want to study abroad. Not to just take the touristy route, but like fully emerge myself in the culture. I don’t want the American version. I want the version of whatever place I travel to.”


  1. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you travel? Why?

– “Either Rome or Egypt because of just everything about them – the history, the landmarks, the people, the culture, the food, just all of it.”


  1. Who is your celebrity crush?

-“Johnny Depp.”

4b. What is your favorite Johnny Depp movie?

-“Either the Pirates of the Caribbean movies or Cry Baby.”


  1. Who is your biggest inspiration?

-“Ms. Lovie, this older lady that lives semi-close to me. I helped her with her community garden this past summer and she’s amazing. She told me her life story, she’s gone through so much and yet she’s still hanging around giving back to her community. She’ll take people in and she’ll give out food. She does it all. She is 75.”