Kyah Logan, junior
“I am very passionate about social justice. I grew up around people who speak a lot on different topics that surround social justice and it helped me grow and form my own opinions” -Kyah Logan, junior

Helen Meals, sophomore
“I’m passionate about traveling as much as possible with the ones that I love. I'd love to experience new things.” -Helen Meals, sophomore

Maxine Pulsipher, junior
j"If I was an animal I would be a mythical sea creature that swims in a beautiful ocean in world with no pollution. I would want to see all of the colors and live that good aquatic life." -Maxine Pulsipher, junior

Mya Stevens, junior
“I am passionate about cleaning up the environment. I want a cleaner future for me and my peers. I’m tired of seeing animals getting affected by our decisions.” -Mya Stevens, junior

Brianna Garcia, freshman
“My biggest passion is art because it allows me to do what I want and be creative” -Brianna Garcia, freshman

Jessica Carter, junior
"A time when my life was changed by something random… I was coming home late from school, and I was being picked up at Nuri’s house, and it was really dark. We were just looking for my mom’s boyfriend’s keys. Then this random cat came up to us, and he was just crying and stuff. My mom didn’t want to take the cat, and I was begging to keep it, but she was already really wanting to come with us....

Michael Hennings, sixth grade
“I know if I’m doing something, and I’m supposed to be doing it, I would be proud of myself for doing the things that I need to be doing.” –Michael Hennings, sixth grade

Cyan Kelley, seventh grade
“If there’s something that I want to do, and my friends don’t have my back for it, then they’re not true friends. [True] friends would always support me in everything that I do and everything that I will do in the future.” –Cyan Kelley, seventh grade

Angela Blue, sophomore
"I'm not in the worship leader group but I am in the choir and I feel...very loved, with the family that I have at my church and my youth group which is amazing, very supportive...I probably would [continue singing after high school], but it would be more in my church choir instead of outside. Maybe like during Christmas caroling and stuff like that, but not as a lifestyle, a career." -Angela Blue, ...

Micah Lawery, junior
"It actually helped me gain confidence in my art I guess, because with so many of us being in the arts pathway even though they say its not a competition in some way it is. Like the art show, for instance, not everyone is going to get displayed, so in that way, it's kinda like competition, you're basically chosen if your art gets put into the art show." -Micah Lawery, junior ...

Dan Grimes, high school math teacher
"I would travel back to one of two places, one to stop the assassination of Abraham Lincoln or two to stop the assassination of Martin Luther King. After Abraham Lincoln was assassinated the country took a different path, he was more about bringing the southern states back into the fold with less punishment. After he was assassinated the people who took over for him were more punitive towards the ...

Brooke Schuessler, senior
“I take criticism and use it to strive for more, but I want to avoid it. I do like getting praised, which is why I take the corrections, because I like being told that I’m finally accomplishing something and doing something good.” –Brooke Schuessler, senior

Jaivon Lawson, seventh grade
"My favorite moment at GCAA, is when it was last semester we was on the sixth floor and we were just playing we just ran around the hole sixth and seventh floor and we were just playing hide and seek and stuff like that. And the teachers I had some great moments with some teachers and some friends, I had bad and good moments. I'd been through situations, but this school has taught me to never give up ...

Joseph Miller, freshman
"An event that changed my life was that one time that I got into massive trouble with my mom for lying. I lie less now. That'd be lying if I said I don't lie anymore though." -Joseph Miller, freshman.

Mark Ross, junior
"[If I had a million dollars] I'd give it to my mom, because she always took care of my stuff, and she really deserves it." -Mark Ross, junior.

Lilliana Bremerkamp, sophomore
"If I were giving away a million dollars, I'd give it to the Dalai Lama, because he would know what to do with it. He would put it towards the best organization or he would use it for the best thing. Either that or find the best organization, because like you can buy animals for people who are starving in different countries, you can buy food kits or medicine kits. I would personally find the best...

Kayley Bryant-Vaughn, sixth grade
"[If I had a million dollars] I would give it to the American Heart Association, because my mom has heart failure, and it would be a good thing to give to." -Kayley Bryant-Vaughn, sixth grade.

Xia Brown, junior
“For me, my greatest inspiration would be my mom. She’s been a single mom for so long now and I’ve always looked up to her. We’re both also middle children, so we bond over having that in common a lot. She is definitely a big part of my life.” -Xia Brown, eleventh grade

Abriana Ambus, senior
“I’d rather have more control over our responses...because nowadays I just let people control how I respond to things I can’t really control, it’s just outbursts more so...If I could control my responses I’m pretty sure...my consequences wouldn't be as harsh, like things wouldn't be so bad.” -Abriana Ambus, senior

Bermika West, junior
"I loved the Junie B. Jones books as a kid. That’s just what I read all through elementary school." -Bermika West, junior.

Kaya Floyd, freshman
“I came here to express my uniqueness, basically the way I dress, because sometimes I design my own clothes. I love dancing and learning new things, and interacting with different types of people the way they live. So I can figure out how I want to live when I get older.” -Kaya Floyd, freshman

Lukas Brischetto, sixth grade
"My favorite art class is guitar because I enjoy it and playing it is super fun. My biggest goal is to discover and learn more about music." -Lukas Brischetto, sixth grade

Khanya Williams, seventh grade
“[I self reflect] monthly [on] my behavior for the month to see what I should change...because I want to make sure I’m being the best person and I don’t do anything really bad, because it will help me get more jobs...because I want to have a good job and a good career to provide for myself.” -Khanya Williams, seventh grade

Jermaine Williams, junior
“My first wish would be for all kids to have access to a good education. My second wish would be for women in all countries have equal rights. And my third wish would be that people would stop being racists bigots and everyone would start accepting and appreciating each other.” -Jermaine Williams, junior

Reginald Coleman, senior
"My goal in life is to be successful, to where I can support my family. Since I just recently got into acting, I want to go far, like probably Broadway, also I want to act in like movies and TV shows. I don't want to just stop there either; I want to keep going forward to where maybe I'm creating more and more stuff. My idol, Donald Glover, he's multi-talented, and I look up to him. So, I don't want...

Noah Trevino, eighth grade
“I’m in jazz, intro to modern, drama II, and boys’ choir. My favorite is boys’ choir because I don’t have to dress up and continually change and I feel like people try more in choir and it’s also much less crowded. It leaves more space to yourself.” -Noah Trevino, eighth grade

Marissa Moyers, eighth grade
“I’ve been singing since I was around six years old. I honestly just love music in general because it helps me cope with almost everything in my life.” -Marissa Moyers, eighth grade

Lilliana Bremerkamp, sophomore

Lucy Corey, sixth grade
“I think I would like to be famous for designing houses. I just like designing the interior of houses and making it look...good and other people like it. Just a few weeks ago I realized that I like it, because for a lot of my life I was moving around furniture…putting pillows on there, and decidIng on paint colors. For a long time I wanted to be a doctor, but I realized that I actually like...

Samuel Meyer, seventh grade
"If I had three magic wishes, my wishes would be to be a better saxophone player, to be smarter, and to be able to play every instrument in the world." -Samuel Meyer, seventh grade

Khrystiana Joy, senior
"I dream in my future I will be a pediatrician." -Khrystiana Joy, senior

Olivia Samaniego, eighth grade
“My worst nightmare was one time my dog ran out of the house and then a bunch of crazy things happened to me, and then he died at the end; it was just really scary. Like, my mom used to tell me ‘if you don’t brush your teeth your teeth are going to rot out’, so then I just pictured my teeth rotting—it was scary.” - Olivia Samaniego, eighth grade

Jaden Johnson, junior
“My favorite childhood story was Rick Riordan and the Red Pyramid, because it had magic and family issues. Stuff I was going through at the time.” -Jaden Johnson, junior
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