An update on Katie Switzer

Katie Switzer
April 24, 2023
Q. How is teaching?
A. “Good, I’m glad I’m getting to teach forensic science this year. It’s really filling my cup and challenging me to think outside the box. Testing is coming up for biology so we are really pushing through content to prepare!”
Q. What fun thing are you doing?
A. “My biology class is learning about genetic disorders and punnett squares. In forensics, we are getting ready to do a lab activity where we practice collecting trace evidence from outside to solve a crime! Students will analyze evidence that was collected and compare it to evidence at the crime scene.”
Q. Why did you decide to teach science?
A. “Science was always something that I had to study for because it didn’t come easy like math. I had an awesome chemistry teacher in high school that prioritized her relationships with her students and it made me work harder because she cared about me.”
Q. Do you enjoy teaching here at GCAA?
A. “I love teaching at GCAA. The students have so many talents and are able to utilize their love of art in my classroom. I love that each student comes from a different background and they are accepted by all!”