Kristina Brendley

Kristina Brendley, data owner

Q: What did you want to be when you grew up as a child? Why?

A: I wanted to be a journalist. I love writing and I’m really curious about the world. I also like interviewing people and wanted to travel around the world and write about different people and different experiences.

Q: Who was/is your biggest inspiration?

A: Probably Emma Watson. She’s a big advocate on women’s rights. I just love her.

Q: What did you do before you came to GCAA?

A: I taught English as a second language in Vietnam.

Q: Where do you see yourself in the future?

A: I hope to expand an international education program someday.

Q: What TV character do you think represents you?

A: Rory Gilmore from Gilmore Girls probably represents me. She likes to read, she’s nerdy, likes coffee. I’m a big fan.

Q: What inspired you to work here at GCAA?

A: I like the arts. My parents are both musicians, so in high school I was really involved in band and chorus. I also like art, so this was kind of a good fit.

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