Mario Harris

Patrick Mattia, choir teacher

Q: What were you doing before you started working at GCAA?

A: I was a music choir teacher at University City this would be my sixth year teaching.

Q: What is something that you want people to know about you?

A: I have been singing for twenty years so therefore, I really love my job and singing and inspiring people to sing more.

Q:What’s your long-term goal for your students or class?

A: My main goal is that my students leave my class wanting to sing wherever they go in the future, I would want to see my kids grow and become strong singers, and most of all enjoy singing everywhere they go.

Q: What are you looking forward to at GCAA?

A: This has been an really amazing start so far here and one of my best weeks of all of my teaching I can tell that kids really wanna be here and wanting to become better artist and even better people.

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