Rainbow Rowell’s novel Fangirl: the perfect novel for teens to relate to

Kaitlyn Eckhard

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell.

Kaitlyn Eckhard, Staff Writer

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell is about a girl named Cath Avery. Cath is a new college student and her life is changing more than ever before. Not only is she going through changes like living in a dorm and difficult classes, but almost everything she has ever known is rapidly changing.

Cath has formed an inseparable bond with her twin sister, Wren, but Wren has decided she wants some separation form her sister. She wants to live in a different dorm.

For some people, this may seem normal and a part of life, but for Cath, this feels like the end of the world. She knows that the separate dorms is only the beginning of them drifting apart. Now Cath has to get past the major anxiety that a stranger will bring her way.

Cath and Wren had always done everything together, but one of the most important thing was writing a fan fiction. Both of them have been obsessed with the book series and movie adaptation, Simon Snow, and decided to write fan fiction to make the world their own and change the plot to their liking.

Cath did most of the writing and Wren would make suggestions and edit the chapters. They had gained popularity in the fandom. But now, since they are in college, Wren wants to move on from this stage in her life, but to Cath, this is everything.

This book has so many twists and turns from Cath’s dad having mental health issues, her new love interest, Levi, her mom trying to come back into her life, and so many more chaotic situations. Most of the time, I was able to connect what Cath was going through to something that has happened or is happening to me. 

Rowell has a way with words that make you fall in love with the characters. Every character has a unique personality that separates them from all the others. Not only that but it has so many moments that any teen can relate to, especially people who have been a major fan of something.

I can relate to Cath because I am fans of many books and movies. She also struggles with anxiety in this book, which as a person who has dealt with anxiety for a long time, was accurately represented.

The characters were absolutely amazing. every single character brought into the story, I felt like, added something special to the story. I fell in love with Levi and his personality. He adds so much to the story and he is so important to Cath. He made me wonder if there are people just as fun and kind as him out in the real world.

Having such lovable characters and understandable moments really made the book more enjoyable. I felt as if I did not have to make an effort, trying to imagine how Cath felt because I was able to apprehend what she was going through.

Overall, I loved this book and I recommend this to anyone looking for an engaging novel that talks about common struggles but is still lighthearted.