Star Wars: The Force Awakens Review
A screenshot from “Star Wars: Episode VII: The Force Awakens.” (Disney)
March 30, 2016
After what felt like light years, we finally receive the newest and seemingly timeless episode in the Star Wars saga, The Force Awakens. People lined up for hours to see the movie, even after opening night, on December 14, 2015. It was a huge hit, reigniting nostalgia and displaying just how powerful the Force was to newcomers of the franchise. It was a thrill ride for so many ages, so many fans to see in theaters. It opened up a new chapter for the world’s younger Star Wars fans as well, giving children a chance to see an episode of these legendary movies on the big screen themselves. People were camped around the span of movie theaters just to get inside.
As much as this movie was anticipated, the hype wasn’t for nothing. Despite me not having seen the other Star Wars movies, I could easily understand what was happening due to explanations inside the movie and in my everyday life from friends and family. The graphic and costume effects seemed like homage to the episodes that came out before it, CGI (computer generated imagery) rarely being used on props or characters. Many props almost felt like they were purposefully made to move and look fake, for a nostalgic feeling. If that was the intention, it certainly worked. The movie plot itself was an emotional rollercoaster, sending you through plot twists that cause you to feel an array of emotions. It broke my heart, made me laugh, kept me on the edge of my seat because so many scenes were filled with such emotion and action.
Now, due to me never having seen the other Star Wars movies, it’s rather hard for me to pinpoint things that weren’t up to par or missing. You’d probably have to be a fan of the franchise to critique any odd plot points or things of that nature. From what I could tell, the movie was incredibly well rounded and the acting was very impressive as well. Not much stood out negatively, perhaps a bit of the writing could have been a bit clearer, even though that was impressive too.
In conclusion, The Force Awaken is definitely a movie you should see. It’s a great time and has some amazing discussion points for after the show. If you’re a fan of Sci-Fi or just enjoy a thrill, this is highly recommended.