Tests find school water lead-free
Close up of the third floor water fountain. Results show that these fountains are lead free.
November 7, 2016
School officials have tested the water in the building on Thursday, September 15th, and Friday, the 16th, at 3:00 AM. The results were expected within three to four weeks, but because of a high volume of testing by the company, the results were delayed. After the tests went through two labs, results show that GCAA is lead-free.
There has been a problem with the lead in many St. Louis Public School water fountains, as the City of St. Louis Water Division have replaced 11 sinks, and plan to replace 71 more sinks, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Most older school buildings have cast iron or copper pipes, but any pipes that have been repaired or replaced are made of PVC, a lightweight plastic. Confluence Charter Schools ordered the tests at all campuses, including GCAA, as a precaution.