Google Arts and Culture’s new “selfie” feature receives mixed reviews

Google Art and Culture’s new, free app has recently gone viral. The app analyzes and matches an individual’s face to the subjects of famous paintings.
The paintings are collected from a database containing over 6,000 exhibitions, with contributions from 1,500 museum partners located in seventy different countries. Though the app has been available since mid-December, the controversy surrounding it’s “selfie” feature is recent. Some have criticized the app’s “matching” accuracy.
Despite its debated shortcomings, the app has elicited much positive acclaim due to its active promotion of art education. As an included feature, users can view the full paintings they have been matched with, as well as a brief description of the artist’s work. Through the app, social media and classical art have proved themselves to be an unlikely, however successful, combination.

Elyse Luecke, senior
Travis Armknecht, Student Media Advisor
Caroline Knapp, senior
Kennedy Brown, junior
Amelia Broussard, junior
Roberto Stone, junior
Quinlan Holt, senior
Brooke Schuessler, junior
Natalie Welborn, freshman  
Aliena Yost, junior
Michael Wafford, sophomore
Ace Moen, sophomore
Natalie O’Dell, junior
Chase Doctor, senior
Tessa Wild, junior
Aurora Phillips, junior
Paisley Regester, junior
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