Hannah Pring

Makayla Pearson

Hannah Pring, Math Teacher

Makayla Pearson, Staff Reporter

Hannah Pring is a new math teacher at Grand Center Arts Academy.
Ms. Pring is from the United Kingdom. She studied at the University of Lincoln for the first 7 years of college. She then went to Western college for 3 years and another 2 years for her masters, 3 years for her PhD and then another year of teaching credit.
She wanted to become a teacher because growing up she really loved teaching other people, and was a teacher cadet and would teach in her free time. She also enjoys gaming with her friends. Her favorite thing about teaching is getting to know new people and seeing them grow to know more about math. She started working here because she really enjoyed teaching and she wants to make a difference
“So far I’m really enjoying it. It’s good to be back in a classroom since it’s been a long couple of months since I have been in one. The kids for the most part are really good, really awesome kids, lots of personalities.”