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The student news site of Grand Center Arts Academy, St. Louis, MO


The student news site of Grand Center Arts Academy, St. Louis, MO


The student news site of Grand Center Arts Academy, St. Louis, MO


Students Kennedy Hill and Mila Kennedy work on watercolor paintings during the studio art portion of their Exploratory Arts class.

Miss Bakers Exploratory Arts’ Class

Lucille Corey, Editor in Chief September 18, 2024

Grand Center Arts Academies sixth grade students always start off their new year exploring different kinds of artistic pathways they are able to do at GCAA. Each quarter they go into a new pathway class...

Cell Phone Boxes

Shamaya Jones, Writer February 4, 2024

Cell phone boxes in schools: Enhancing Focus or Limiting Freedom? Cell phone boxes in our school have been a hot topic. Grand Center Arts Academy implemented a policy where students have to...

Black Lives Association

Ke’Nyshia Davis, Writer February 4, 2024

BLACK STUDENT ASSOCIATION When speaking with Sommer Harris-Nance, GCAA’s Dance teacher, we asked her what were her goals on re-opening the black student association, to which she replied with “ A...

Theater Workshop

Theater Workshop

Jakailah Murphy, staff reporter January 24, 2024

The theater workshop kicked off with a bang. Our first special guest was none other than Paul Nieshus IV, a musician and producer. He shared stories of his journey in the music industry, highlighting his...

GCAA sophomores from left  to right Noah Parker, Safiya Austin-El, and Danielle Singleton working on the opperetta.

GCAA Operetta Preparation

Drew Meyer, Writer January 24, 2024

This year GCAA music department got picked to partner with Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra (SLSO) and Saint Louis Opera Society to write a short opera called an operetta. The operetta will be performed...

Hallway Traffic

Hallway Traffic

Mikayla Jordan, Writer December 15, 2022

Hallway traffic has been a running inconvenience at GCAA for some time. It’s said that the main cause of the traffic isn’t the population of students itself but what people do in the passing periods....

Our Town Play Review

Our Town Play Review

Indigo Reed, Writer December 5, 2022

The cast and crew of "Our Town" did an amazing job on the opening night of the play on November 18th. The show was equally as entertaining as it was heartbreaking. "Our Town" is a play set in 1901 in...

Front: Aislyn Morrow(left), Taraysia Jackson
Back: Mylo Belciak(left), Michael Perkins, Jie Cruesoe, Kiytana March, Kam Bradley, Anthony Owens, Violet Erickson, Nola Kelley

GCAA’s Fall play “Our Town”

Lily Rehbein, Writer November 9, 2022

Come see GCAA's Phoenix Players perform Thornton Wilder's "Our Town." Friday November 18th and Saturday the 19th at 7p and Sunday November 20th at 2p. Our Town is a play on the fictional small town Grover's...

CellPhone Policy

CellPhone Policy

November 9, 2022

Hooray, it's a brand new year at Grand Center Arts Academy and everyone is excited. Not only for the field trips and school wide incentives planned but also to learn. That being said we all know that a...

Album cover of "Luv 4 Rent " by St.Louis rapper Smino.

Smino Album Review

Krystan Purham, Writer November 7, 2022

The St.Louis rapper, Smino announced his forthcoming album "Luv 4 rent." It displays a lot of variety, yet still keeps a cohesive sound. Smino delivers some playful flow, but also gave cadences across...

art pathway meeting in south cafeteria

First Art Pathway Meeting

October 26, 2022

On September 30th, we had our first visual art pathway meeting in the south cafeteria. Ms Scott, the visual arts chair, was leading the meeting with a slideshow. We looked at pictures of student artwork...

Drag and Cosplay Performers

The GSA promotes confidence and boldness through new Cosplay Cabaret event

Korissa Smith, Editor April 18, 2022

The Gender-Sexualities Alliance presented GCAA’s first ever Cosplay Cabaret! The event involved the performances of professional cosplayers and drag kings and queens. It also included a few student performers. The...

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